There has been some questions around whether creating a discourse account is doxxing.

11 Feb 2023, 21:56
There has been some questions around whether creating a discourse account is doxxing... - There is zero doxxing on snapshot, unless the voter is voting with an ENS that matches the name of their discord handle, such as JohmDoe.eth (in which case, that's essentially a voluntary doxx) - There is zero doxxing on discourse at any point—the wallet connection is a token balance check upon that, when passed, toggles a 'view permission' flag on discourse which gets refreshed after 12h (this is why you have to log in again after some time). We don't save your 0x and it's not linked to your profile. - Entering your Discord handle into Discourse is optional. So is using Discord as a means of registering for Discourse. we don't force you to verify your Discord or link the accounts at any point during setup There is no doxxing. and creating an account =/= doxxing