Hi folks,. An update on the reporting lag of the protocol fees rewards.

19 Mar 2023, 18:44
📣 Hi folks, An update on the reporting lag of the protocol fees rewards. By design, the fee distributor accounts for the previous 24hrs to snapshot which rewards to stream over the next 7 days. As you can expect, the initial fees were very low when it took its first "snapshot" that included many hours prior to the v2 launch, resulting in a very low amount being streamed. Dev did trigger a manual snapshot during the first day once more fees had accrued, users should seeing the rewards streaming in by now, instead of just 0s or dust before (within the first few hours of going live). Moving forward the daily snapshots will keep rewards streaming regularly, and will begin to move more in-line with expectations. Each additional daily snapshot will elevate reward #s until reaching some sort of scale and equilibrium (should be about a week). Appreciate your patience thus far.🙏